爵設於2013年成立至今已有10年的時間,打造多場大規模商展,優良的設計品質贏得各領域的客戶信任。我們專注於各種空間設計,同時跨足商業展覽、商業空間、辦公室裝潢、活動場佈等,地域觸及國內外,包含台灣、中國大陸、日本、香港、德國等地。2020年開始因新冠疫情影響商業展覽及活動產業甚鉅, 爵設也開始發展住宅空間的領域,朝向更多元的空間設計發展。
It has been ten years since we established in 2013, Good Design has built many large-scale trade shows; and our exceptional design quality has won the trust of customers in various fields. We focus on a variety of spatial designs. Our expertise includes industry exhibitions, commercial spaces, office décors, event setups, and much more. Covering both domestic and foreign countries; including Taiwan, mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany, and many other regions. Since 2020, the exhibition/commercial industry has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, Good Design has intensified our multidisciplinary spatial finesse in the interior field and opened up ever more possibilities toward a diversified design spatial realm.